
Development Focus
With enchrome, user interface development is dealt with on a higher
level by focusing on relevant issues such as user interface functionality and
HTML and other presentation format details are hidden from the software developer
by using XML-based modelling for the different aspects of the user interface,
thus completely separating form from function.
Ready-built user-interface components exist for creating menus, tabbed dialog boxes,
search forms, result lists, and much more. Combined with example implementations of
user-, group- and rights-management interfaces, building a new application gives
you most of the basic functionality right from the start, and developing the
application-specific parts is very time-efficient.
Enchrome is a mature technology, because it has been used in customer projects since
1997, although it has naturally evolved quite a bit during the years! We continuously
improve the technology, with regard to speed, new features and ease of usability.
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We are currently looking for more software development companies interested in
using enchrome for their customer projects. Please contact us if you are interested,
and we will demonstrate the concrete benefits of using enchrome or arrange for you
to evaluate enchrome yourself.

Detailed technical information about enchrome is available in the
enchrome White Paper
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